La Reciclaria Reservar una mesa

Carrer Del Doctor Candi Bayes, 32, 08500 Vic (Barcelona), Espanya, Spain
2454 Reseñas 4.4

Asegúrate tu mesa en La Reciclaria, situado en Carrer Del Doctor Candi Bayes, 32, 08500 Vic (Barcelona), Espanya, Spain, utilizando nuestra página de reservas sin complicaciones. Sumérgete en un mundo de deliciosos. Reserva tu mesa llamando a +34660846823.

Acerca de La Reciclaria

Reserve ahora una mesa en La Reciclaria
Horarios de apertura

Viernes 17:00 - 00:00

Sábado 10:00 - 00:00

Domingo 10:00 - 00:00




4 /5 Valoración media

Restaurant d'ambient amigable amb opcions veganes, incloint postres, clarament marcades a la carta. Recomanable el cremós d'anacards amb pa esseni (no va donar temps a fer foto)

4 /5 Valoración media

I was close to vic with some friends and this place appeared when I look for vegan places to lunch! it is a beautiful alternative/artistic restaurant that focuses on sustainability and reusability. there are many vegan options in the menu and the staff is very friendly.

3 /5 Valoración media

El local és gran i molt ben decorat. Molt divertit, tot amb materials reciclats (els lavabos tenen molts detalls curiosos i molt diferents). Fins i tot hi ha casetes pels nens com sobrevolant el local. El menjar està bé, té opcions veganes i vegetarianes, tot i que, serveixen productes animals. Els preus estàndres pel tipus de local (15-20€/persona). L'únic que no ens ha agaradat és que es fes bastanta propaganda antivacunes i antimascareta. Creíem que és un tema que hauria de ser una mica més neutral, per no generar conflicte.

4 /5 Valoración media

good lloc per a menjar vegetarià, bona cuina i amb varietat d'opcions

3 /5 Valoración media

Este restaurante esta cerrado temporalmente por traspaso.

4 /5 Valoración media

The place is a bohemian style which was really interesting. Service was good. The food was great. We are not strict on vegan but like it when we can get it. There were vegan options and food mostly was really good. The humus dish was not so good personally as a starter but the rest was fantastic. The deserts were tasty but don't think too many vegan options. However you will be able to get a decent meal. Highly recommended.

4 /5 Valoración media

Bona Opció x dinar Actualment tancat

4 /5 Valoración media

Found this by accident but love it. Everything is recycled which makes the place highly original. There is a relaxed vibe and the staff is super friendly. The vegan food is clearly marked and also says if it is sugar free. Delicious food, served in a creative way.