Lamentablemente, los horarios de apertura no están disponibles en este momento.
4 /5
Sometimes we stop at this bar right next to the tennis courts, and above the football field. excellent to attend both one or another matches. all the time people met are always cheerful. good for the sympathy and simplicity that makes you feel comfortable.
Poor and barely decent food, rude staff, all sorrounded by customers screaming bad words.. the farest environment from a Swiss Tennis Club you can imagine. You would rather expect that from a darts club in Caracas..
Wenn Sie an der Bar Pradello Essen genießen Sie Ihre aufregendsten Abendessen insgesamt der Welt ... Chief Roberto, ist eines der besseren Küche Experten im Tessin. Versuchen Sie zu glauben ...
when they eat in the bar pradello, they enjoy their most exciting dinner all over the world. chief roberto is one of the better kitchen experts in tessin. try to believe it.
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If you'll eat at the bar Pradello you will enjoy your most exciting dinner overall the world. Chief Roberto is one of the better kitchen experts in Ticino. Try to believe.