Cafe Heidehaus

Cafe Heidehaus - Reservar una mesa

Am Kreuzgarten, 41334 Nettetal, Germany
213 Reseñas 4

"Generally, it was once again that we were near Nettetal and that hunger came over us. Our good memory of the restaurant Cafe Heidhaus also led us there. At 20.00 a.m. we entered the place that was filled again very well. We were greeted by the boss and asked for a reservation. We had to deny it. But luckily no problem, we were assigned a nice table with a view of the drink counter. Service order: A younger nice lady immediately brought us the menus and already accepted the beverage order. 1x Alster, 1x Cola Light and 1x Specific Mezzo Mix. The drinks were then very fast and well cooled by the same lady After a short further time a waiter appeared and asked if we had already selected. It was ordered in advance tomato soup, 1x Cevapcic with special salad request, 1x half and half with salt caffeine instead of pommes with additionally the delicious Mediterranean tomato sauce and 1x the peasant pan with the change instead of roast potatoes prefer bims, which was also no problem. Food: After a normal waiting period, the tomato soup was served with a small baguette very tasty and also nicely hot by a slightly older beautiful blond waitress. After the soup was spun, the fresh salad was also served. Frienschdressing is a very bright taste and visual in color, but the salad was fresh and delicious, my salad change was also taken into account. After a pleasant waiting period, the waiter, who also picked up the order, sung us 1x half and half and 1 x Cevapcici. After about 1 minute, a bowl with the delicious pommes and the Mediterranean tomato sauce was additionally ordered for my accompaniment served by the Bauerpfanne but nothing to see was also no word from the waiter. The lady with the peasant pan then suggested that we should start before our food gets cold. The meat was very tasty, well seasoned and well grilled. The Pommes were once again excellent, only the Djuwet screams had no real taste yesterday. Of course, the change of the additions from the pommes to the salt potatoes was also fulfilled. After about 5 minutes the expected peasant pan came through the same waiter to serve 3 normal dishes simultaneously. On the woman's note that the Pommes would still be missing, said the waiter, please look at the young man who has received Pommes for 2 persons. Well, it wasn't bad for me anymore, because I just took a few pommes out of my bowl on my plate, I don't want to flood him. What would have happened after the longer waiting period on the peasant pan if I had already put all the pommes on my plate or if I had eaten more than half of it? Well, the lady came from my bowl also bims (we are both not the huge eaters, so the bims for both also satt), her peas was also good with taste and quality. But what we did not like this time was the Mediterranean tomato sauce yesterday hot, but very thin, without real taste and was not as prepared as the last visit, my companion had enjoyed it before. In the meantime, the waiter was curiously asked if the dishes were as good as possible, which was also up to the Mediterranean tomato sauce, and I ordered further drinks and again a little Ajvar, as it was possible to look with the magnifying glass yesterday, but there were many fresh onions on the plate. The return of drinks was also received very quickly by the younger waitress. A short time later the waiter also brought me the ordered Ajvar (wurde yesterday for the first time extra charge), only this Ajvar came ice cold out of the refrigerator and it was not possible to eat it with the warm meat, as seen from the temperament, it was also not possible to recognize a taste of the Ajvar so that 90% of the ordered Ajvar remained in the bowl and on the plate. The ice-cold Ajvar and this time not so special Mediterranean tomato sauce including taste-neutral Djuwet screams, this time I can only distribute 3 stars for the dishes, although the meat was good again of quality and quantity with us all three. After dinner, the blonde older waitress quickly cleared our table, wondering if he had been fed and whether we still want a dessert that unfortunately would not have found any place because of the good portions. Since we sat well in the comfortable chairs, we actually wanted to order a round of drinks. The two ladies who sat with a view of the drinks counter wanted to contact the staff. When I was suddenly shocked, I should turn to the drink counter very quickly, and then almost my whole face. It was the boss and waiter who served us (the waiters were not behind the drinks counter at the time), with different bottles and still filled liqueur glasses from the tray (I don't want to write about it here anymore, but we were noticed by the boss and waiter during our observation about his astonishments), finally we wanted to order more drinks that had been done now. We also want to dispense with our Julitschka. We just paid for it and left the restaurant. The service has received 3 stars today, but only because the two waiters served us so nicely, only after the action of the drink counter there would be no single star of me. Too bad that meat and the supplements were again good and tasty, but after the incident at the drinks counter we decided to stop visiting this restaurant. If the boss or his waiter read this review here, you know what I mean. You can still be happy that another guest reacts differently or is completely written here. A word of the boss who came away with us might not be bad for the incident, but it was done as if nothing had happened. We were very disappointed. Conclusion: This was unfortunately our last visit there (because of the incident at the drinks counter)"


Teléfono: +4921539542050

Dirección: Am Kreuzgarten, 41334 Nettetal, Germany

Ciudad: Nettetal

Sitio Web:

Horario de apertura

Lunes: 12:00 -21:30

Martes: 12:00 -21:30

Miércoles: 12:00 -21:30

Jueves: 12:00 -21:30

Viernes: 12:00 -21:30

Sábado: 12:00 -21:30

Domingo: 12:00 -21:30


Platos: 19

Comodidades: 6

Categorías: 5

Reseñas: 213


Mostrar Mapa


3 /5 Reseña

Allgemein: Es war mal wieder soweit, das wir uns in der Nähe von Nettetal befanden und uns der Hunger überkam. Unsere gute Erinnerung an das Restaurant Cafe Heidhaus führte uns dann auch dort hin. Gegen 20.00 Uhr betraten wir ohne Reservierung das Lokal, welches wieder sehr gut gefüllt war. Wir wurden vom Chef nett empfangen und nach einer Reservierung befragt. Dieses mußten wir leider verneinen. Aber zum Glück kein Problem, uns wurde ein netter Tisch mit Blick zur Getränketheke zugeteilt. Bedienung Bestellung: Ein jüngere nette Dame brachte uns sofort die Speisekarten und nahm auch schon die Getränkebestellung entgegen. 1x Alster, 1x Cola Light und 1x Spezi Mezzo Mix.Die Getränke wurden dann sehr schnell und gut gekühlt von der selben Dame angereicht Nach einer kurzen weiteren Zeite, erschien ein Kellner und fragt ob wir schon ausgewählt hätten. Es wurde vorab Tomatensuppe bestellt, 1x Cevapcic mit besonderen Salatwunsch, 1x Halb und Halb mit Salzkatoffeln anstatt Pommes mit zusätzlich der leckeren mediterranen Tomatensauce und 1x die Bauernpfanne mit der Änderung anstatt Bratkartoffeln lieber Pommes, was auch alles kein Problem war. Speisen: Nach einer normalen Wartezeit wurde dann von einer etwas älteren netten blonden Kellnerin die Tomatensuppe mit einem kleinen Stück Baguette serviert sehr lecker und auch noch schön heiß. Nachdem die Suppe verspeißt war,  wurde auch der frische Salat serviert. Der Frenschdressing ist zwar Geschmacksache und optisch in der Farbe sehr grell, aber der Salat war frisch und lecker, meine Salatänderung wurde auch berücksichtigt. Nach angenehmer Wartezeit sevierte uns der Kellner, welcher auch die Bestellung aufnahm, 1x Halb und Halb und 1 x Cevapcici. Nach ca. 1 Minute wurde mir dann eine Schale mit den leckeren Pommes und die für meine Begleiteung zusätzlich bestellte mediterrane Tomatensauce gereicht von der Bauerpfanne war aber nichts zu sehen auch kein Wort vom Kellner. Nun ja, die Dame mit der Bauernpfanne schlug dann vor, wir sollten ruhig schon einmal beginnen, bevor unser Essen kalt wird. Das Fleisch war sehr lecker, gut gewürzt und gut gegrillt. Die Pommes waren wieder vorzüglich, nur der Djuwetschreis hatte gestern irgendwie keinen richtigen Geschmack. Die Beilagenänderung von den Pommes zu den Salzkartoffeln wurde natürlich auch erfüllt. Nach ca 5 Minuten kam dann auch mal endlich durch den selben Kellner die erwartete Bauernpfanne eigentlich sollte man 3 normale Gerichte gleichzeitig servieren können. Auf die Bemerkung der Dame, dass die Pommes noch fehlen würden, sagte ihr der Kellner, schauen sie bitte mal zu dem jungen Mann, der hat Pommes für 2 Personen erhalten. Nun ja, war für mich nicht weiter schlimm, da ich mir nur ein paar Pommes aus der Schale auf meinen Teller nahm, ich möchte ihn ja nicht überfluten. Was wäre denn nach der längeren Wartezeit auf der Bauernpfanne bloß geschehen, wenn ich mir bereits sämtliche Pommes auf meinen Teller gelegt hätte bzw. ich schon mehr als die Hälfte davon verzehrt hätte ? Nun ja, die Dame bekam dann aus meiner Schale auch noch Pommes (wir sind beide nicht die riesen Esser somit reichten die Pommes für uns beide auch aus), ihre Bauernpfanne war auch vom Geschmack und der Qualität in Ordnung. Was allerdings diesmal uns gar nicht gefiel, war die meditterane Tomatensauce diese war gestern zwar heiß, aber sehr sehr dünnflüssig, ohne wirklichen Geschmack und war nicht so zubereitet, wie beim letzten Besuch, meine Begleitung hatte sich darauf zuvor so gefreut. Zwischenzeitlich wurde von dem Kellner dezent nachgefragt, ob die Speisen soweit in Ordnung wären, was ja bis auf der mediterranen Tomatensauce auch war und ich bestellte weitere Getränke und noch einmal etwas Ajvar, da man dieses gestern von der Menge her mit der Lupe suchen konnte, dafür aber reichlich frische Zwiebeln auf dem Teller lagen. Der Getränkenachschub wurde auch ganz schnell wieder von der jüngeren Kellnerin angereicht. Kurze Zeit später brachte mir der Kellner auch das nachgeorderte Ajvar (wurde gestern zum ersten mal extra berechnet), nur dieses Ajvar kam eiskalt aus dem Kühlschrank und man konnte es von der Temperartur her gesehen nicht unbedingt mit dem warmen Fleisch verzehren es war durch die Kälte auch kein Geschmack des Ajvar zu erkennen somit blieb 90% es nachgeorderten Ajvar in der Schale und auf dem Teller zurück. Das eiskalte nachgereichte Ajvar und die diesmal nicht so besondere mediterrane Tomatensauce incl. des geschmacksneutralen Djuwetschreis, kann ich diesmal nur 3 Sterne für die Speisen verteilen, obwohl das Fleisch von der Qualität und der Menge bei uns allen drei wieder gut war. Nach dem Essen räumte die blonde ältere Kellnerin auch schnell unseren Tisch ab, fragte zuvor ob es uns gemundet hätte und ob wir noch ein Dessert haben möchten, was aber aufgrund der guten Portionen leider keinen Platz mehr gefunden hätte. Da wir gut gesättigt in den bequemen Stühlen saßen, wollten wir eigentlich noch eine Runde Getränke bestellen. Die beiden Damen, welche mit Sicht auf die Getränketheke saßen, wollten Sichtkontakt zum Personal aufnehmen. Als man mir plötzlich ganz erschrocken sagte, ich solle mich mal ganz schnell zur Getränketheke umdrehen, viel mir anschließend auch fast alle aus dem Gesicht. Es waren der Chef und der Kellner, welcher uns bediente (die Kellnerinnen waren zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht hinter der Getränketheke), mit diverse Flaschen und noch gefüllten Schnapsgläsern vom Tablett am herumhantieren (näheres möchte ich hier nicht unbedingt dazu schreiben wir wurden vom Chef und dem Kellner bei unserer Beobachtung allerdings zu dessen Erstaunen bemerkt), schließlich wollten wir ja noch weitere Getränke ordern, was sich jetzt aber erledigt hatte. Auf unseren Julitschka haben wir anschließend dann auch gerne verzichtet. Wir haben nur noch schnell bezahlt und das Restaurant verlassen. Die Bedienung hat zwar heute immer noch 3 Sterne erhalten, aber nur weil die beiden Kellnerinnen uns so nett bedient haben nur nach der Aktion von der Getränketheke hätte es eigentlich keinen einzigen Stern von mir gegeben. Schade, dass Fleisch und die Beilagen waren wieder gut und lecker aber nach dem Vorfall an der Getränketheke haben wir für uns beschlossen, dieses Restaurant nicht mehr aufzusuchen. Falls der Chef oder sein Kellner diese Bewertung hier lesen, Sie wissen ja was ich meine. Sie können trotzdem noch froh sein, ein anderer Gast hätte bestimmt anders darauf reagiert oder es hier komplett hereingeschrieben. Ein Wort vom Chef, welcher dann bei uns selbst kassiert hat, wäre zu dem Vorfall vielleicht auch nicht schlecht gewesen es wurde aber so getan, als wäre nichts geschehen. Wir waren anschließend leider sehr enttäuscht. Fazit: Das war leider unser letzte Besuch dort (wegen dem Vorfall an der Getränketheke)

3 /5 Reseña

Generally, it was once again that we were near Nettetal and that hunger came over us. Our good memory of the restaurant Cafe Heidhaus also led us there. At 20.00 a.m. we entered the place that was filled again very well. We were greeted by the boss and asked for a reservation. We had to deny it. But luckily no problem, we were assigned a nice table with a view of the drink counter. Service order: A younger nice lady immediately brought us the menus and already accepted the beverage order. 1x Alster, 1x Cola Light and 1x Specific Mezzo Mix. The drinks were then very fast and well cooled by the same lady After a short further time a waiter appeared and asked if we had already selected. It was ordered in advance tomato soup, 1x Cevapcic with special salad request, 1x half and half with salt caffeine instead of pommes with additionally the delicious Mediterranean tomato sauce and 1x the peasant pan with the change instead of roast potatoes prefer bims, which was also no problem. Food: After a normal waiting period, the tomato soup was served with a small baguette very tasty and also nicely hot by a slightly older beautiful blond waitress. After the soup was spun, the fresh salad was also served. Frienschdressing is a very bright taste and visual in color, but the salad was fresh and delicious, my salad change was also taken into account. After a pleasant waiting period, the waiter, who also picked up the order, sung us 1x half and half and 1 x Cevapcici. After about 1 minute, a bowl with the delicious pommes and the Mediterranean tomato sauce was additionally ordered for my accompaniment served by the Bauerpfanne but nothing to see was also no word from the waiter. The lady with the peasant pan then suggested that we should start before our food gets cold. The meat was very tasty, well seasoned and well grilled. The Pommes were once again excellent, only the Djuwet screams had no real taste yesterday. Of course, the change of the additions from the pommes to the salt potatoes was also fulfilled. After about 5 minutes the expected peasant pan came through the same waiter to serve 3 normal dishes simultaneously. On the woman's note that the Pommes would still be missing, said the waiter, please look at the young man who has received Pommes for 2 persons. Well, it wasn't bad for me anymore, because I just took a few pommes out of my bowl on my plate, I don't want to flood him. What would have happened after the longer waiting period on the peasant pan if I had already put all the pommes on my plate or if I had eaten more than half of it? Well, the lady came from my bowl also bims (we are both not the huge eaters, so the bims for both also satt), her peas was also good with taste and quality. But what we did not like this time was the Mediterranean tomato sauce yesterday hot, but very thin, without real taste and was not as prepared as the last visit, my companion had enjoyed it before. In the meantime, the waiter was curiously asked if the dishes were as good as possible, which was also up to the Mediterranean tomato sauce, and I ordered further drinks and again a little Ajvar, as it was possible to look with the magnifying glass yesterday, but there were many fresh onions on the plate. The return of drinks was also received very quickly by the younger waitress. A short time later the waiter also brought me the ordered Ajvar (wurde yesterday for the first time extra charge), only this Ajvar came ice cold out of the refrigerator and it was not possible to eat it with the warm meat, as seen from the temperament, it was also not possible to recognize a taste of the Ajvar so that 90% of the ordered Ajvar remained in the bowl and on the plate. The ice-cold Ajvar and this time not so special Mediterranean tomato sauce including taste-neutral Djuwet screams, this time I can only distribute 3 stars for the dishes, although the meat was good again of quality and quantity with us all three. After dinner, the blonde older waitress quickly cleared our table, wondering if he had been fed and whether we still want a dessert that unfortunately would not have found any place because of the good portions. Since we sat well in the comfortable chairs, we actually wanted to order a round of drinks. The two ladies who sat with a view of the drinks counter wanted to contact the staff. When I was suddenly shocked, I should turn to the drink counter very quickly, and then almost my whole face. It was the boss and waiter who served us (the waiters were not behind the drinks counter at the time), with different bottles and still filled liqueur glasses from the tray (I don't want to write about it here anymore, but we were noticed by the boss and waiter during our observation about his astonishments), finally we wanted to order more drinks that had been done now. We also want to dispense with our Julitschka. We just paid for it and left the restaurant. The service has received 3 stars today, but only because the two waiters served us so nicely, only after the action of the drink counter there would be no single star of me. Too bad that meat and the supplements were again good and tasty, but after the incident at the drinks counter we decided to stop visiting this restaurant. If the boss or his waiter read this review here, you know what I mean. You can still be happy that another guest reacts differently or is completely written here. A word of the boss who came away with us might not be bad for the incident, but it was done as if nothing had happened. We were very disappointed. Conclusion: This was unfortunately our last visit there (because of the incident at the drinks counter)