
L'envie - Reserva de mesa

1 rue Joliot Curie, 13960 Sausset-les-Pins, France Reserva
86 Reseñas 2

"an incompetent service!I tried it is over!the frame is not bad...but the rest is very disappointing!"


Teléfono: +33442304004

Dirección: 1 rue Joliot Curie, 13960 Sausset-les-Pins, France

Reserva, Reservación

Ciudad: Sausset-les-Pins

Sitio Web: http://www.l-envie.com/

Horario de apertura

Lunes: 19:00-00:00

Martes: 19:00-00:00

Miércoles: 19:00-00:00

Jueves: 19:00-00:00

Viernes: 19:00-00:00

Sábado: 19:00-00:00

Domingo: 19:00-00:00


Platos: 0

Categorías: 5

Reseñas: 86


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3 /5 Reseña

The atmosphere is nice, the view is beautiful. but the tapas formula is openly mounted to scam groups. First of all she is an insult to tapas with very low-end charcuterie and very few pieces of bread. But in addition, we put a lot of faetheèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè

2 /5 Reseña

Too bad it could have been good...We are told a formula of tapas at will: to avoid because everything is done to serve you the minimum: very slow service, bad quality tapas, little variety. and a lot of waiting between two plates. for the atmosphere nothing to say good music the dj is at the top. Too bad to spoil for some low-quality plates. I personally don't recommend because we make fun of the customer who has to do the service himself to be served in a restaurant.

1 /5 Reseña

I've already been greeted by a scent of sewers, but I've unfortunately felt it all night. industrial charcuterie board not good with 2 perimeum salad leaves. I reported my discontent to the waitress who didn't answer me. Industrial bread.A totally ringard host. a very salty note for the performance. Very disappointed in a brief note because the spot is nice.

1 /5 Reseña

In any objectivity, you will put your feet under the table to appreciate the setting of this establishment but once your plate is served you will quickly notice that quality is no longer up to the level, not to mention that the service is not properly insured, the conductor is for something. Go rather picnic. Reserva una mesa ahora

4 /5 Reseña

an ideal place to relax in the evening in a festive and friendly atmosphere. the choice of drinks is impressive, the staff is friendly and helpful, the direction as much. the place offers various animations according to the days. Anyway, a very good address.

1 /5 Reseña

Stay away! We were celebrating a birthday, and we were very disappointed. Excecible food, more than unpleasant with no sense of trade, we asked ourselves what it does in a restaurant, pleasant as a prison door. we'll go back to the house.

1 /5 Reseña

ambience far from being rdv. to see again! , antipathic personnel and tapas degeulase...What more....Decidment to find a bar lounge correct on the blue coast it seems complicated. I'll hear the experience this summer. We never know.

1 /5 Reseña

restaurant a tapas null has 25€ drinks included , coca without bubbles perrier tap water without personal bubbles infectious and arrogant to avoid and especially made in a nasty reputation Reserva una mesa ahora

1 /5 Reseña

Too bad atmosphere! Antipathic boss! Fucking food! I'm not recommending this establishment. I can't understand that we can open a restaurant in these poor conditions.

1 /5 Reseña

an incompetent service!I tried it is over!the frame is not bad...but the rest is very disappointing!