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Victor's Fine Dining by christian bau

Victor's Fine Dining by christian bau

Schlossstr. 27, 66706 Perl-Nennig, Germany

Mariscos, Creativo, Europeo, Comida, Té

"I like to cook! Whether good or bad, may judge those who eat what I'm faking. And I think people who like to cook also like to eat well. There's the curiosity to get served preparations that you don't know. There is the joy of being cooked and served. Because you know how much work can be done in a good court. And once you start cooking yourself with the highest possible standards, you don't want to eat in a restaurant below this level. I think many acquaintances and friends here in GG speak from the soul. Then you start your journey as a guest of gastronomy and look for the kitchens that cook handmade, or represent special countries and taste worlds authentic. You do not necessarily land in the “fine dining”. Many people are too high in price, many too formal and too unknown. But I already, my personal awakening experience in “fine dining” was the restaurant “Keilings” in Bad Bentheim, which was just opened during my first visit, and in spring 2010 that must have been. Even then, I was annoyed by Convinience products and chefs who didn't master their craft. So one day my wife and I stood at the door of the wedge-shaped as often as they were during a bike tour and asked us what this may be for a restaurant. Ms. Duesmann in elegant black clothing, very sophisticated ambience. Uncertain if we felt comfortable there, we entered. Long speech, short sense, Lars Keiling had no star yet and at the time a 6 gear menu on offer. We got to know extensive Amuse Gueule, a menu that is matched to each other, that rises from gear to gear, a star-worthy service it became two stars at the end of Mrs. Duesmann and all the small things that made a “fine dining” food sequence from a sequence of dishes. This evening was our awakening experience in “fine dining”! We were gone and for a long time the Keilings was our only and absolute highlight in restaurants. Over time, we saw more and more around in this area and visited more staring restaurants. But that always remained in the range of a maximum of two stars. Of course, we repeatedly threw a look into the very exquisite category of a scarce dozen in Germany restaurants that can decorate with three stars. But I always had inhibitions to return there once. There was the financial outlay, at the current prices, a visit to a three-star is a follow-up bill that is just below or even above EUR 1000 per pair. I just have concerns, even if I have the privilege of not having to turn around every euro. I know many people who can never spend so much money for a dinner. And then it was always the idea that this is now so much better than the kitchen that we were allowed to enjoy in the Keilings now Friedrich , in the old school of Daniel Schmidthaler or in the coeur d’artichaut of Frederic Morel, for example? And if it is, am I actually able to notice this and to appreciate it accordingly and thus also enjoy it? So it remained to watch these restaurants again and again, often about the reports of a dear friend in Hanover [here link] , but I have reserved, we never have. But now on the Good Friday of 2023 my first visit was to a three-star restaurant. In December I celebrated my fiftyth birthday with my family and a few very important people and how to fear none of these people took care of the hint that I didn't want any presents. My wife surprised me with a voucher for an evening at the Victors fine dining in Perl an der Mosel. Culinaryly we tick at the same frequency and amplitude! Again and again in the last few years we had said that if it were to be a three-star, then it can only be the kitchen of Christian Bau. Not insignificantly contributed to the reports of friends who had already been able to enjoy their kitchen and had extensively reported it! For us it was clear that the construction would be if it happened in three stars. Consequently, I was overwhelmed by the content of this wonderful gift, but not by the goal of the first meal in a three-star restaurant. The anticipation increased from day to day from December to early April. Then we stood in front of the restaurant's closed door on that night just before 19:00 and tried in vain to open it. Too! And no bell. What does that mean? But our attempts to find a bell had noticed a lady from the service team and opened the door to the halls of Christian Bau. Admission only from 7pm, so we were given to understand. Okay, our cab was a bit faster than expected. Well, the lady asked us to sit in a kind of lounge in front of the actual guest room. Then we sat, and some guests who came after us stood before the still closed door to the guest room. I was a little surprised. Especially since the door to the guest room opened only after 7 pm and felt all the guests of the evening already waiting in the hallway. This didn't exactly match the expected level of the evening. But at some point the briefing was finished inside and we were asked to enter. The service team led us to our table right down the guest room to the end of the fireplace. This was a very beautiful place, wall in the back, view over the opposite tables to the windows. Also an advantage was that we didn’t get anything from the “transport” of the service through the guest room at our table. That was very comedy and we felt right away. The question for an aperitif ended in ordering two glasses of the house-champagner. While we were on our evening, the first Amuse Gueule came to our table. On the way, it is impossible to keep a fraction of the information in mind without any notes, which will be communicated to a service that is extremely well informed about the food when serving or on request. And so, when describing my menu, I just want to let myself be guided by my emotions at the respective passage, that is more meaningful than every detail. Above, I had expressed my fear that perhaps I would not appreciate Mr Bau's undisputed cuisine. Pustekuchen! I smelled the cold soup on the photo while serving! The gang was under the theme carrot, yogurt, curry. This was more related to the front dish, the actual crunch was such an intensely tasty cold soup like a gazpacho, just made of carrot, with the pleasure of which it swallowed my breath! Wow, the hoped-for start, dishes that shift culinary experiences up! Both of us were gone and gone, if that were going so far, we would not regret a minute and no euro of the visit! Entenleber, Mirin, Pare Seaweed, Pickels was a gang that was completely different so the first greeting came! Such a kind of lying maki was served, a thick aroma of duck liver paste in it, over it slightly sweet and acidic components, which put a counterweight to the thick Umani of the paste. Good, but by far not as breathtaking as greeting one. Kimbap, Sesam, Kimchi, Avocado was the theme of greeting number three. Again such a filigree, fine-mechanically dressed tweezers! Kimbap, so we were instructed, was a Korean variation of Maki, rice rolled in Tang, over sharp sweet aromas. Advertiser Haps! And we haven't finished the Amuse Reigen yet. Lachsbauch, Katsuobushi, Myoga. Katsuobushi are the flocks of dried tuna that find use in the Dashi tree, I knew that. Myoga, I was enlightened, was a Japanese radish. Together, such an artwork came to the table, that one did not dare to be in the mouth. Very thoughtful greeting, the fat salmon tree can already be difficult from the mouth, but that was dissolved by all that was draped about it! Very good, that stayed in the mouth as long as the soup at the beginning. Japanese waffle, sardine, Yuzu-Koshu was the conclusion of a total of 5 Amuse Gueule works of art, each of which were independent, and still had a clip. The braces were always balanced flavors, never dominated a flavor. Here too, acid, sweetness, crunch, saltiness formed a balanced unit. If these 5 courses were bigger, I should have enjoyed an exceptional menu at this point! But we haven't been in the menu yet. Now the cards came and the drinks were chosen. Our selection ended in a total of 10 courses that should follow the kitchen greetings. Royal crab from Norway, peas, Verveine, Mentaiko Toro, Shoyu, Wasabi, Caviar Crunch to the Toro Japanese Sea, Kampachi, Seafood, Beach Herbs. These three courses were a start into the menu that seemed tailored to me directly. Fish and seafood at a quality level that lets you fall on your knees. I myself spend quite a lot of money on our domestic weekly market for fish and seafood and I am glad that there is a corresponding offer. But now Christian Bau showed what it means if you simply accept the best of the best of these products. I was speechless, and that's not common. If Mr Bau had put the main ingredients of these three courses on the plate raw, I would have fallen on my knees before enjoyment. But Christian Bau combined this excellent quality with the flavors and preparations of Japanese cuisine. And I was taught what it means to cook in these spheres. Again and again my wife and I looked at these three courses and were speechless in the face of these dishes. That was unbelievably good! Only now served bread and butter, interesting time. I hadn't missed this until then, and I was still thinking about the already enjoyed courses that I didn't really notice. For the sake of completeness, two varieties of good bread, butter with, I think Piment d’espelette and soy sauce tasted. The next gear was vegetarian and should probably be a culinary relaxation and cooling break. Green asparagus “Pertius” from Provence, my first asparagus in 2023 was served. Yuzu and Sumak found himself on the plate as a dust. But recovery from the revival of the extraordinary aromas was not given to us, because the service draped between the two poles a sauce Hollandaise, which made us relentless. The sauce Hollandaise was tasted with Miso and pure madness. It was so incredibly intense, there was nothing left in the bowl that we just spooned empty. I've never been in my life, and I'm probably never going to experience such an intensely good butter sauce again. We were in the middle of the menu, and I swung into the flavors that I was allowed to enjoy. The next highlight was served. Langoustine from Guilvenec, Palm Heart, XO, Thai flavors. Guilvenec is a fishing port in Finisterre, near Quimper. I have been there many times during our holidays in the Finisterre in the sales shop of the fishing community and have covered me extensively with fish and seafood. If we are in Brittany, then there are always a few evenings for cooking in the holiday home, because this diversity and quality of marine animals we simply don't get at home in Münsterland. And so when I enjoyed the impeccable emperor's grenade I swore in memories of Brittany, so much that I can't say much more to the ingredients...sorry, but plates were wiped empty with bread, so good was the sauce! It still wasn't over with the marine-getier slumber! Final fish course in this menu was a stone butter from Normandy or Brittany that left the card open. To this end, they announced Unagi Aal , Razor Clam's knife shell from the Pacific and Sake. Fine, unusual ingredients for a noble flatfish! But here too the sauce was once again the absolute hammer! What a Beurre Blanc! Great again! Should Christian Bau build a menu only from Saucen, I'm here! This sauce raised a dish of the finest ingredients and the finest preparation you can note the artichoke on the plate again from the menu. Now it went to the supposed highlight of the menu, it was just before Easter. So lamb from the Polting farm, with Feves French beans, Morcheln and Ricottagnocchi. Eyewitnesses! The four combined ingredients could not harmonize at all, again joined together by a sauce that was so long a reduced that it stuck on the tongue in its entire intensity! And yet this gang suffered from the fact that I began to tire. All the previous wonderful seagoings had their price, I was already very saturated, and a bit sad that I could not really appreciate this really great course anymore. Then the desserts also suffered. Mojito – mint, rum, lime valrhona Grand Cru “banana split” reinterpreted as dessert. Just the pre-dessert with its refreshing mint and acidity was a wise walk, even with me the culinary spirits of life woke up new. I could still enjoy that, unfortunately, I must confess, the chocolate gang in all its aspects I only ate out of duty towards the kitchen team. I was simply at the end of my physical and intellectual capacity. It didn't go anymore, and still petit fous came to the table. Chocolat's sweets, woman striked, I made Cherry picking at the Macarons.... Too much, much too much called my conscience. There was nothing left, still offered truffles to the very welcome espresso we both rejected! The wine card leaves nothing to be desired, from 35 EUR Mosel Riesling bottle price to several thousand euros bottle Burgund Monopol location of DRC offered it an option for any claim. We stayed true to our preferences. At the beginning a very neat Riesling Bockstein 2017 from Nik Weis, we were finally at the Mosel, and then the ever-loved white wines from the Rhone, this time a Saint Peray from the winery Alain Voge also 2017 . We were very happy about our choice, which we felt in the map with the help of Mrs Mann. And if we're with Ms. Mann, just a few words to the service team. In addition to Mrs Mann, who was very busy on our visit night through a table of regular guests, restaurant manager Felix Kress looked after us very carefully. At the beginning of the evening, when I was somewhat irritated that you had a queue in front of the closed door that would never have happened to Ms. Duesmann, I am sure that an aperitif offer had already taken a lot of unhappyness out of the situation, then we felt cared for by Ms. Mann and Mr. Kress and their team. This can be dropped into a simultaneously inconspicuous and always present service is one of the most important points of “fine dining”. Then he was killed, our first menu evening in a three-star restaurant. After a little more than 5 hours we felt much longer left the Victor’s fine dining restaurant by Christian Bau and his team filled with many new and fascinating sensations. And also plumply filled bellies. The evening was still busy for days and I only started to draw up this report at a distance. Despite the financial effort, I regret a three-digit amount is not enough for a second this evening! This was something very special and for me it is quite clear that must be something very special, until my wife's birthday, I will not go back to a three-star restaurant. When he gets there, I have to look where it's going. Maybe it will be reported. Dear Mr. Bau, dear team of Victor’s they have prepared me a wonderful evening! Thank you for that! PS when leaving the guest room we met Jan Hartwig, who was able to serve the petit fous of the menu in the lounge that we couldn't even guess in our menu."

Grill Dreiländereck

Grill Dreiländereck

Am Dreiländereck 25-27, 66706 Perl, Saarland, Germany

Comida Rápida, Brocheta, Europeo, Pizza

"I work near the place and so I always enjoy this little mess. Untypical for a kebap shop like you can find it in most places Osman 's Gril has a huge dining room, here you can also eat from girls standing around the corner at the counter. Around the corner at the counter, so I think it's a pub. Directly in the entrance area are compulsory slot machines that are always occupied. The flair is now more convenient than particularly beautiful. Personally, I'd sort of split it up differently. But since I always eat my food, I don't really care about it. I'm interested in eating. In Osman's grill you get when you order a large kebap dish an aluminum dish in the meat and a mixed salad to share the place. The salad is fresh and typical of a diner bud. Green salad and there are mixed tomatoes and cucumbers. In addition, you get a large bowl with the yogurt sauce and a bowl of pommes. The yogurt sauce is refined with my opinion finished salad mixture tastes very intensively afterwards and comes to meat in a great way. However, the price is also very salted. A large plate is charged with 9.50. Of course we're not talking about Ritz here. Basically, like any dönerbude, especially that the sauce is more special. But it just makes the difference. I do not recommend going from Saarbrücken or Homburg to Perl to eat Döner there. But who randomly fills in Schengen and doesn't spend the entire coal for coffee and tipping. He's supposed to be quiet here for the drive home."