Lamentablemente, los horarios de apertura no están disponibles en este momento.
1 /5
Nous avions appelé pour savoir si nous pouvions venir sur place pour commander, la dame au téléphone nous réponds « ok ». Une fois arrivé: « désolé nous sommes fermé », il y a eu une confusion lors de l’appel téléphonique. Au final, un détour de 20 minutes pour a l’arrivé, ne pas pouvoir manger et devoir trouver autre chose aux alentours =pas grand chose)
We called to know if we could get to order, the lady on the phone answers "OK". Once we arrived: “Sorry we’re closed,” there was confusion during the phone call. In the end, a 20-minute turn to the backlog, cannot eat and have to find something else around = no big thing)
I'm not ready to come back either. We couldn't even finish a whole pizza so they're not good with really low-end products and even past... I'll be lucky if I'm not sick...comparably, the pizza industry is really better and I never thought I'd say that one day...!
Extremely disappointed. All the products seem outdated... The blue cheese is absolutely disgusting, the bacon is too blue to be fresh, the ham is very low-end as is the dough. I'm not ready to go back.
Reserva una mesa ahora
Extremely disappointed. All products seem to have passed... The blue is absolutely infect, the lardons too blue to be fresh, the ham is very low in the range like the dough. I'm not ready to come back.