
Schoggelgaul - Reservar una mesa

Schäfergasse 1, 76889 Pleisweiler-Oberhofen, Germany
1 Reseñas 3.5

"At the beginning of June, three of the four “Wörther Schlemmerboys” met to spend together a hearty evening in the heart of meat food. It was slow again... The fourth in the coil had to avoid the risk of the corona. But we are good things that we can welcome him again in our fellow palate circle. The Schoggelgaul = Peeling for swinging horse in Pleisweiler has been available for 30 years. It's an old-fashioned family square I've probably been driving 1000 times. But only a bike tour during the lock-off, which allowed a view of the good-bourgeois offer in the showcase, made the project back to the contour. A table for three people was cleared by phone. At 7 p.m. we arrived on Thursday evening in the former pumpkin house of sandstone and work. Exterior view 2 The guest room had slightly "diluted" taking into account the hygiene requirements. The number of guests remained at a manageable level. The often very lively and loud Pfälzer’s sociality, which also lives from the spontaneous “order” of foreign table parties, had developed a somewhat damper atmosphere in the guest room. Typically for the still quite uncertain time so shortly after the reopening. In the room, which was enclosed alternately by whitewashed walls and exposed sandstone masonry, we felt just as good. 1 rural charm sprayed the same wooden beams on the ceiling. Guest room view 3 Along with the sparingly bound floor, luxurious lighting and rustic wooden furniture, there was a completely harmonious overall picture, testified by the grounded hospitality. Guest room view 4 A little less “Deko Nippes” on the window benches, the fireplace and around the counter surface would certainly not have damaged the domestic interior. 2 But why argue about taste if you can be happy to finally sit back together in a cozy round. Our place And the remarkable collection of antique wall clocks was a eye-catcher. Also the proximity to the neighbouring Alsace was noticeable on the menu. French onion soup, vineyard snails, a Cordon Bleu filled with muennial cheese, or the “flame cake carvings” with fragrant, onions and bacon would certainly also delight lovers of deculent regional foods beyond the border. The owner and patron Jules Vincent who died in April this year came from the neighbouring Wissembourg. Together with his wife Gisela, he led the Schoggelgaul since 1990 and made him a popular address of just saturation. Doris Laveuve, who took responsibility for the traditional place today, welcomed us very warmly tonight. She was happy to answer questions and special requests. An all-round sympathetic hostess who could speak well with their guests and who could easily get in touch with them. Food and beverage cards have been laminated by way of example according to the currently applicable disinfection requirements. In addition to a freshly tapped hacker Pschorr Pils, export, yeast wheat from the barrel and a series of popular “Anstubser” to the Aperitif Campari, Martini, Sherry, Kir and Co., it was mainly the openly gifted wines presented here at low quarter prices – between 3.50 Euro and 4.30 Euro. With the wineries Wilker, Leonhardt and Ullrich you finally have a respectable winery on the corner. It is clear that their drops are reopened on the wine map. Even though they represented the standard repertoire in grape varieties. Since I didn't necessarily count such red routes like Dornfelder, Spätburgunder and Portugieser to my favorite wines and also kept my white wine barns within limits, I was ready to go to the Fassbier. A fresh Pils of Hacker Pschorr 0.5l for 4 Euros should lead me at the beginning of the evening after a Ricard 5cl for 4 Euros. Apero... My colleagues prefer to stay at Tönissteiner Classic and White Wine. The double-sided print menu was quickly examined. He unveiled seven appetizers, three noodle dishes, a pig’s sextet – it carved enormously – as well as three meats from the Rind Rump or Velvet Steak and Kalb Wiener Cordon Bleu . Vegetarians were allowed to park in the second row and had to satisfy themselves with Champignon band noodles, cheese salad and the already mentioned “Zwiwwelsupp”. Also in the salad program, meat from grilled turkey strips and sausage from boiled ham between green leaves. “Without” was probably negotiable. In addition to the series, we were recommended to have another depot that unites steak “Café de Paris” beef and pork medallions in mustard sauce on a plate. One of the colleagues approached. Including supplement salad and hair dryer, it was calculated € 21,50. In addition, a small Italian salad of €7.50, the pig end “Café de Paris” with croquets of €17.50 and the Cordon Bleu from the calf with classic “Po Sa Garnitur” €21.50 were sent as food commissions towards the kitchen. I chose the latter. With some mushroom cream sauce I wanted to create a juicy Cordon Bleu à la crème – probably in “elassinatory” connection to the neighboring region, which is not yet revisible. The small italo salad was made with an all-world yogurt-based addressing. The Italian salad from the colleague There, of course, remained the joy with his customer within limits. Because even visually the salad plate did not make much. The fact that he was completely destroyed was above all on the bear hunger of my counterpart. The ingredients used also made a fresh impression. Mine wouldn't have been. I was curious to see if the dressing overkill was to continue with the extra salads. He did vinegar and oil was not thanks. I heard the partner of my fries. Speaking of roasted potato sticks. These were served oval on a metal for both of us. An eager frieskin who saw eighth and raw fresh fat. Pommes for two ...households; At that time we saw ourselves broken before the Karnivores Kadi and sunk for our lives. The sections fell as expected – lushly dimensioned. The chef also lived his distinctive slopes to juicy sauces. Under the variant Café de Paris, my colleague's juicy pig melodies threatened to drown. Lende Café de Paris Also at the double meat agent next to him did not look better. Although very satisfied with the cooking qualities of its beef steak and its lumber, the sauce level of its plate also reports “meat below”. Pig medals and beef steak hidden under two sauces The Senfsahnesoße seemed to buy the cutting edge of the Tunke from Paris coffee houses tastefully. The Lende, certainly not a “Prime Swine”, was however of neat quality and also fried to the point. My Cordon Bleu most likely came directly from the frit or the pan, as its panade seemed quite fat. The Cordon Bleu Gut, you could have sucked up this after brooding with some kitchen paper, but this is whining at low-fat level. However, the calf was wonderfully tender and also with the ham cheese filling I could live well. Of course, this rustic dish has put certain demands on the civilization coins stomach intestinal tract. There was a demand for the digestive effect of my hop cup. I felt positive about the fact that I had the extra sauce in a small bowl. Some swear on these spicy melodies, which are located near the acceptable upper limit of the salt and are thickened with a correct vinegar, and even the maggi esken form of taste can even absorb positive palate bite. Especially friends of the angry broth are happy to be an upright powder patriots. I don't count on it, and it was quite right for me that the latent infusion was partially served. As a dip for the pommes, he fulfilled his purpose as it was surprisingly held back with the salt of the frits. I only realized that the additional sauce I ordered did not appear on the invoice when writing these lines. Probably it was just forgotten. After our hearty Hausmannsschmaus, whose portion sizes made a sweet conclusion, 2cl of the 40% Mirabelle 3.50 Euro should guarantee the upright course after full saturation. Mirabelle liquide The almost obligatory cup of coffee 2.50 Euro from my colleague was of course not gone. Too bad I never visited the Schoggelgaul at the time of the former chef Jules Vincent. Therefore, I cannot compare quality. But who is on hand-resistant food and has no problem with voluminous sauces, he will feel comfortable here. Especially since the very warm service and the cosy ambience of the inn invites you to stay with its lasy beer garden especially in summer, minor inconveniences in the kitchen are compensated."


Teléfono: +4963437900

Dirección: Schäfergasse 1, 76889 Pleisweiler-Oberhofen, Germany

Ciudad: Pleisweiler-Oberhofen

Sitio Web:

Horario de apertura

Martes: 17:00-00:00

Miércoles: 17:00-00:00

Jueves: 17:00-00:00

Viernes: 17:00-00:00

Sábado: 17:00-00:00

Domingo: 11:00-13:30 17:00-00:00


Platos: 37

Comodidades: 4

Categorías: 5

Reseñas: 1


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4 /5 Reseña

Anfang Juni trafen sich drei von vier „Wörther Schlemmerboys“, um miteinander einen herzhaften Herrenabend bei deftiger Fleischkost zu verbringen. Es wurde ja auch langsam wieder Zeit…   Der Vierte im Bunde musste coronabedingt das Risiko meiden. Aber wir sind guter Dinge, dass wir auch ihn bald wieder in unserem kollegialen Gaumenzirkel begrüßen dürfen.   Den Schoggelgaul =pfälzisch für Schaukelpferd in Pleisweiler gibt es schon seit 30 Jahren. Es ist ein alteingesessenes Familienlokal, an dem ich bestimmt schon gefühlte 1000mal vorbeigefahren bin. Doch erst eine Radtour während des Lockdowns, die einen Blick auf das gutbürgerliche Speiseangebot im Schaukasten erlaubte, ließ das Vorhaben dort einzukehren an Kontur gewinnen.   Ein Tisch für drei Personen wurde telefonisch klar gemacht. Pünktlich um 19 Uhr trafen wir an einem Donnerstagabend in dem ehemaligen, aus Sandstein und Fachwerk errichteten Küferhaus ein. Außenansicht 1 Außenansicht 2 Man hatte unter Berücksichtigung der Hygienevorgaben den Gastraum etwas „ausgedünnt“. Die Zahl der Gäste blieb so auf überschaubarem Niveau.   Die nicht selten sehr lebhafte und auch lautstarke Pfälzer Geselligkeit, die auch vom spontanen „Dazusetzen“ fremder Tischparteien lebt, war einer etwas gedämpfteren Stimmung im Gastraum gewichen. Typisch für die noch recht unsichere Zeit so kurz nach der Wiedereröffnung.   In der abwechselnd von weißgetünchten Wänden und freiliegendem Mauerwerk aus Sandstein eingefassten Stube fühlten wir uns gleich gut aufgehoben. Gastraumansicht 1 Ländlichen Charme versprühten die derben Holzbalken an der Decke. Gastraumansicht 3 Zusammen mit dem zünftig gefliesten Boden, der wohltuenden Beleuchtung und dem rustikalen Holzmobiliar ergab das ein durchaus stimmiges Gesamtbild, das von bodenständiger Gastfreundschaft zeugte. Gastraumansicht 4 Ein bisschen weniger „Deko Nippes“ auf den Fensterbänken, dem Kamin und rund um den Thekenbereich hätte dem heimeligen Interieur bestimmt nicht geschadet. Gastraumansicht 2 Aber warum über Geschmäcker streiten, wenn man doch froh sein kann, endlich mal wieder in gemütlicher Runde zusammensitzen zu dürfen. Unser Platz Und die bemerkenswerte Sammlung antiker Wanduhren war allemal ein Hingucker.   Die Nähe zum benachbarten Elsass machte sich auch auf dem Speisezettel bemerkbar. Französische Zwiebelsuppe, Weinbergschnecken, ein mit Münsterkäse gefülltes Cordon Bleu oder das mit Schmand, Zwiebeln und Speck versehene „Flammkuchenschnitzel“ würden sicher auch jenseits der Grenze die Liebhaber deftiger Regionalkost erfreuen.   Dass man im Schoggelgaul schon vor vielen Jahren den kulinarischen Brückenschlag zum Nachbarn vollzog, wundert nicht, stammte doch der im April dieses Jahres verstorbene Inhaber und Patron Jules Vincent aus dem benachbarten Wissembourg. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Gisela führte er seit 1990 den Schoggelgaul und machte ihn zu einer beliebten Adresse rechtschaffener Sättigung.   Doris Laveuve, die nun die Verantwortung für das Traditionslokal übernommen hat, begrüßte uns an diesem Abend sehr herzlich. Auf Rückfragen und Sonderwünsche ging sie gerne ein. Eine rundum sympathische Wirtin, die gut mit ihren Gästen konnte und mit der man leicht ins Gespräch kam.   Speisen und Getränkekarten waren nach den derzeit geltenden Desinfektionsvorgaben vorbildlich laminiert. Neben einem frisch gezapften Hacker Pschorr Pils, Export, Hefeweizen vom Fass und einer Reihe gängiger „Anstubser“ zum Aperitif Campari, Martini, Sherry, Kir und Co. waren es vor allem die offen ausgeschenkten Weine, die hier zu günstigen Viertelpreisen – zwischen 3,50 Euro und 4,30 Euro – ausgeschenkt wurden.   Mit den Weingütern Wilker, Leonhardt und Ullrich hat man schließlich eine respektable Winzerschaft gleich um die Ecke wohnen. Klar, dass man deren Tropfen auf der Weinkarte wiederfand. Auch wenn sie eher das Standardrepertoire in Sachen Rebsorten repräsentierten.   Da ich solch rote Recken wie Dornfelder, Spätburgunder und Portugieser nicht unbedingt zu meinen Lieblingsweinen zähle und sich auch meine Weißweinlaune in Grenzen hielt, griff ich bereitwillig zum Fassbier. Ein frisches Pils von Hacker Pschorr 0,5l für 4 Euro sollte mich nach einem Ricard 5cl für 4 Euro zum Auftakt wohlgehopft durch den Abend führen. Erst mal nen Apero... Meine Kollegen hielten sich dagegen lieber an Wasser Tönissteiner Classic und Weißwein. Der doppelseitig bedruckte Speisezettel war schnell studiert. Er offenbarte sieben Vorspeisen, drei Nudelgerichte, ein Sextett vom Schwein – es schnitzelte gewaltig – sowie jeweils dreimal Fleischiges vom Rind Rump bzw. Hüftsteak und Kalb Wiener Cordon Bleu .   Vegetarier durften kulinarisch in der zweiten Reihe parken und mussten sich mit Champignon Bandnudeln, Käsesalat sowie der bereits erwähnten „Zwiwwelsupp“ zufriedengeben. Selbst beim Salatprogramm tummelten sich Fleisch gegrillte Putenstreifen und Wurst gekochter Schinken zwischen den grünen Blättern. „Ohne“ war jedoch bestimmt verhandel bzw. machbar.    Außer der Reihe wurde uns eine weitere Deftspeise, die das Rinderhüftsteak „Café de Paris“ und die Schweinemedaillons in Senfsahnesauce auf einem Teller vereinigte, empfohlen. Einer der Kollegen griff da beherzt zu. Inklusive Beilagensalat und Fritten wurden ihm hierfür 21,50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.   Außerdem wurden noch ein kleiner Italienischer Salat 7,50 Euro , die Schweinelende „Café de Paris“ mit Kroketten 17,50 Euro und das Cordon Bleu vom Kalb mit klassischer „Po Sa Garnitur“ 21,50 Euro als Essensaufträge in Richtung Küche geschickt. Für Letzteres hatte ich mich entschieden. Mit etwas Champignonrahmsauce veredelt, wollte ich mir daraus – wahrscheinlich in „elsassinatorischer“ Verbundenheit zur noch nicht wieder besuchbaren Nachbarregion – ein saftiges Cordon Bleu à la crème basteln.   Der kleine Italo Salat war mit einem Allerweltsdressing auf Joghurtbasis angemacht. Der Italienische Salat vom Kollegen Da hielt sich die Freude bei seinem Besteller natürlich in Grenzen. Denn auch optisch machte der Salatteller nicht viel her. Dass er dennoch komplett vertilgt wurde, lag in erster Linie am Bärenhunger meines Gegenübers. Gut, die verwendeten Zutaten machten ebenfalls einen frischen Eindruck. Meins wäre das trotzdem nicht gewesen.   Ich war gespannt, ob sich der Dressing Overkill auch bei den Beilagensalaten fortsetzen sollte. Das tat er Essig und Öl sei Dank nicht. Beilagensalat „Geht doch!“ hörte ich meinen Pommes Partner erleichtert raunen. Apropos frittierte Kartoffelstäbchen. Diese wurden auf einem Metall Oval für uns beide serviert. Ein ansehnlicher Frittenhügel, der appetitlich aussah und nach frischem Fett duftete. Pommes für Zwei ...Haushalte ; Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sahen wir uns bereits vor den Karnivoren Kadi gezerrt und spachtelten um unser Leben.   Die Portionen fielen wie zu erwarten – üppig bemessen aus. Auch lebte der Küchenchef seinen unverkennbaren Hang zu sahnigen Saucen gnadenlos aus. Unter der Café de Paris Variante drohten die saftigen Schweinemedaillons meines Kollegen zu ertrinken. Lende Café de Paris Auch beim Doppel Fleisch Agenten daneben sah es nicht besser aus. Zwar hochzufrieden mit den Gargraden seines Rinderhüftsteaks und seiner Lendenfetzen, meldete auch der Saucenpegel seines Tellers „fleischunter“. Schweinemedaillons und Rinderhüftsteak unter zwei Soßen versteckt Die Senfsahnesoße schien der dem Namen nach aus Pariser Kaffeehäusern stammenden Tunke geschmacklich den Schneid abzukaufen. Die Lende, sicherlich kein „Prime Swine“, war jedoch von ordentlicher Qualität und zudem auf den Punkt gebraten.   Mein Cordon Bleu kam höchstwahrscheinlich direkt aus der Fritteuse oder Pfanne , da seine Panade noch recht fettig vor sich hin glänzte. Das Cordon Bleu Gut, man hätte dieses nach dem Brutzeln mit etwas Küchenpapier noch aufsaugen können, aber das ist Jammern auf fettarmem Niveau. Das Kalbfleisch war indes herrlich zart geraten und auch mit der Schinken Käse Füllung konnte ich gut leben. Natürlich stellte dieses Rustikalgericht gewisse Anforderungen an den zivilisationsmüden Magen Darm Trakt. Da war die verdauungsfördernde Wirkung meiner Hopfenkaltschale gefragt.   Positiv empfand ich die Tatsache, dass man mir die Extrasoße separat in einem Schälchen reichte. Champignonrahmsoße Manche schwören ja auf diese knapp an der vertretbaren Salzobergrenze befindlichen, mit ordentlich Speisestärke eingedickten Würztunken und können selbst der maggi esken Form des Abschmeckens noch positiven Gaumenbitzel abgewinnen. Vor allem Freunde der gekörnten Brühe erweisen sich gerne als aufrechte Pulver Patrioten. Ich zähle da nicht dazu und allein schon deshalb war es mir sehr recht, dass der latent überwürzte Beiguss à part serviert wurde. Als Dip für die Pommes erfüllte er nämlich seinen Zweck, da man sich erstaunlicherweise mit dem Salzen der Fritten vornehm zurückgehalten hatte.   Dass die von mir georderte Zusatzsoße gar nicht auf der Rechnung erschien, merkte ich erst beim Schreiben dieser Zeilen. Wahrscheinlich wurde sie einfach vergessen.   Nach unserem herzhaften Hausmannsschmaus, dessen Portionsgrößen einen süßen Abschluss obsolet machten, sollten 2cl von der 40% igen Mirabelle 3,50 Euro den aufrechten Gang nach vollzogener Sättigung garantieren. Mirabelle liquide Die fast schon obligatorische Tasse Kaffee 2,50 Euro meines Kollegen durfte da natürlich nicht fehlen.   Schade, dass ich den Schoggelgaul nie zu Zeiten des früheren Küchenchefs Jules Vincent besucht habe. Von daher kann ich auch keinen Qualitätsvergleich ziehen. Aber wer auf handfeste Speisung aus ist und kein Problem mit voluminösen Saucen hat, der wird sich hier wohlfühlen. Zumal der sehr herzlich agierende Service und das heimelige Ambiente des Gasthauses, das mit seinem lauschigen Biergarten besonders im Sommer zum Verweilen einlädt, kleinere Unwägbarkeiten bei der Küche kompensieren.

4 /5 Reseña

At the beginning of June, three of the four “Wörther Schlemmerboys” met to spend together a hearty evening in the heart of meat food. It was slow again... The fourth in the coil had to avoid the risk of the corona. But we are good things that we can welcome him again in our fellow palate circle. The Schoggelgaul = Peeling for swinging horse in Pleisweiler has been available for 30 years. It's an old-fashioned family square I've probably been driving 1000 times. But only a bike tour during the lock-off, which allowed a view of the good-bourgeois offer in the showcase, made the project back to the contour. A table for three people was cleared by phone. At 7 p.m. we arrived on Thursday evening in the former pumpkin house of sandstone and work. Exterior view 2 The guest room had slightly "diluted" taking into account the hygiene requirements. The number of guests remained at a manageable level. The often very lively and loud Pfälzer’s sociality, which also lives from the spontaneous “order” of foreign table parties, had developed a somewhat damper atmosphere in the guest room. Typically for the still quite uncertain time so shortly after the reopening. In the room, which was enclosed alternately by whitewashed walls and exposed sandstone masonry, we felt just as good. 1 rural charm sprayed the same wooden beams on the ceiling. Guest room view 3 Along with the sparingly bound floor, luxurious lighting and rustic wooden furniture, there was a completely harmonious overall picture, testified by the grounded hospitality. Guest room view 4 A little less “Deko Nippes” on the window benches, the fireplace and around the counter surface would certainly not have damaged the domestic interior. 2 But why argue about taste if you can be happy to finally sit back together in a cozy round. Our place And the remarkable collection of antique wall clocks was a eye-catcher. Also the proximity to the neighbouring Alsace was noticeable on the menu. French onion soup, vineyard snails, a Cordon Bleu filled with muennial cheese, or the “flame cake carvings” with fragrant, onions and bacon would certainly also delight lovers of deculent regional foods beyond the border. The owner and patron Jules Vincent who died in April this year came from the neighbouring Wissembourg. Together with his wife Gisela, he led the Schoggelgaul since 1990 and made him a popular address of just saturation. Doris Laveuve, who took responsibility for the traditional place today, welcomed us very warmly tonight. She was happy to answer questions and special requests. An all-round sympathetic hostess who could speak well with their guests and who could easily get in touch with them. Food and beverage cards have been laminated by way of example according to the currently applicable disinfection requirements. In addition to a freshly tapped hacker Pschorr Pils, export, yeast wheat from the barrel and a series of popular “Anstubser” to the Aperitif Campari, Martini, Sherry, Kir and Co., it was mainly the openly gifted wines presented here at low quarter prices – between 3.50 Euro and 4.30 Euro. With the wineries Wilker, Leonhardt and Ullrich you finally have a respectable winery on the corner. It is clear that their drops are reopened on the wine map. Even though they represented the standard repertoire in grape varieties. Since I didn't necessarily count such red routes like Dornfelder, Spätburgunder and Portugieser to my favorite wines and also kept my white wine barns within limits, I was ready to go to the Fassbier. A fresh Pils of Hacker Pschorr 0.5l for 4 Euros should lead me at the beginning of the evening after a Ricard 5cl for 4 Euros. Apero... My colleagues prefer to stay at Tönissteiner Classic and White Wine. The double-sided print menu was quickly examined. He unveiled seven appetizers, three noodle dishes, a pig’s sextet – it carved enormously – as well as three meats from the Rind Rump or Velvet Steak and Kalb Wiener Cordon Bleu . Vegetarians were allowed to park in the second row and had to satisfy themselves with Champignon band noodles, cheese salad and the already mentioned “Zwiwwelsupp”. Also in the salad program, meat from grilled turkey strips and sausage from boiled ham between green leaves. “Without” was probably negotiable. In addition to the series, we were recommended to have another depot that unites steak “Café de Paris” beef and pork medallions in mustard sauce on a plate. One of the colleagues approached. Including supplement salad and hair dryer, it was calculated € 21,50. In addition, a small Italian salad of €7.50, the pig end “Café de Paris” with croquets of €17.50 and the Cordon Bleu from the calf with classic “Po Sa Garnitur” €21.50 were sent as food commissions towards the kitchen. I chose the latter. With some mushroom cream sauce I wanted to create a juicy Cordon Bleu à la crème – probably in “elassinatory” connection to the neighboring region, which is not yet revisible. The small italo salad was made with an all-world yogurt-based addressing. The Italian salad from the colleague There, of course, remained the joy with his customer within limits. Because even visually the salad plate did not make much. The fact that he was completely destroyed was above all on the bear hunger of my counterpart. The ingredients used also made a fresh impression. Mine wouldn't have been. I was curious to see if the dressing overkill was to continue with the extra salads. He did vinegar and oil was not thanks. I heard the partner of my fries. Speaking of roasted potato sticks. These were served oval on a metal for both of us. An eager frieskin who saw eighth and raw fresh fat. Pommes for two ...households; At that time we saw ourselves broken before the Karnivores Kadi and sunk for our lives. The sections fell as expected – lushly dimensioned. The chef also lived his distinctive slopes to juicy sauces. Under the variant Café de Paris, my colleague's juicy pig melodies threatened to drown. Lende Café de Paris Also at the double meat agent next to him did not look better. Although very satisfied with the cooking qualities of its beef steak and its lumber, the sauce level of its plate also reports “meat below”. Pig medals and beef steak hidden under two sauces The Senfsahnesoße seemed to buy the cutting edge of the Tunke from Paris coffee houses tastefully. The Lende, certainly not a “Prime Swine”, was however of neat quality and also fried to the point. My Cordon Bleu most likely came directly from the frit or the pan, as its panade seemed quite fat. The Cordon Bleu Gut, you could have sucked up this after brooding with some kitchen paper, but this is whining at low-fat level. However, the calf was wonderfully tender and also with the ham cheese filling I could live well. Of course, this rustic dish has put certain demands on the civilization coins stomach intestinal tract. There was a demand for the digestive effect of my hop cup. I felt positive about the fact that I had the extra sauce in a small bowl. Some swear on these spicy melodies, which are located near the acceptable upper limit of the salt and are thickened with a correct vinegar, and even the maggi esken form of taste can even absorb positive palate bite. Especially friends of the angry broth are happy to be an upright powder patriots. I don't count on it, and it was quite right for me that the latent infusion was partially served. As a dip for the pommes, he fulfilled his purpose as it was surprisingly held back with the salt of the frits. I only realized that the additional sauce I ordered did not appear on the invoice when writing these lines. Probably it was just forgotten. After our hearty Hausmannsschmaus, whose portion sizes made a sweet conclusion, 2cl of the 40% Mirabelle 3.50 Euro should guarantee the upright course after full saturation. Mirabelle liquide The almost obligatory cup of coffee 2.50 Euro from my colleague was of course not gone. Too bad I never visited the Schoggelgaul at the time of the former chef Jules Vincent. Therefore, I cannot compare quality. But who is on hand-resistant food and has no problem with voluminous sauces, he will feel comfortable here. Especially since the very warm service and the cosy ambience of the inn invites you to stay with its lasy beer garden especially in summer, minor inconveniences in the kitchen are compensated.